Daily Morse Code Solution for Hamster Kombat

This is a Morse code cipher. A dot (•) means a short tap, and a dash (—) means a long tap on the hamster.

F • • — •
I • •
A • —

Date: 2024-07-06

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Step 1:
On the main page of the app, find the “Earn per tap” indicator. Tap it three times.

Step 2️:
The “hamster” will turn red, and the “Daily cipher” interface will open. Use Morse code by tapping the hamster with long or short presses to enter letters.

Step 3️:
For example, for the task on June 7: enter the word “TON” using Morse code:

  • “T” — one long press
  • “O” — three long presses
  • “N” — one long and one short press

Step 4️:
After correctly entering all the letters, a congratulatory window will appear. Claim your reward. On June 7, the reward is 1 million coins.

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