Card Bogdanoff is calling in Hamster Kombat

Game Card Image

Bogdanoff is calling

Card tab Specials
Upgrade cost up to LvL 17 15,343,690
Income per hour at LvL 17 14,637 per hour
Payback at LvL 17 43.7 days

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Card Upgrade Table: Bogdanoff is calling

The table provides data on upgrade costs for the card Bogdanoff is calling from the category Specials at each level, hourly income, and payback period.

LvLUpgrade CostHourly IncomePayback (days)
15,0004750 days
25,5135080 days
36,3815440 days
47,7575821 days
59,9006231 days
613,2666661 days
718,6677131 days
827,5807632 days
942,7868162 days
1069,6938733 days
11119,2009345 days
12214,0651,0009 days
13403,6521,07016 days
14799,2031,14029 days
151,661,4861,22057 days
163,626,8151,310115 days
178,312,7261,400247 days
1813,550,9811,498377 days
1923,194,4821,603603 days
2041,685,5271,7151013 days
2178,663,3771,8351786 days
22155,864,2631,9633308 days
23324,270,3102,1006434 days
24708,360,7632,24613141 days
251,624,757,2422,40228184 days

Please note: The data for the card "Bogdanoff is calling" is still being populated. Information for some card levels may be missing. Rows highlighted in red colors contain calculated, not actual, data. Reliable data is available up to level 17.

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