Daily Combo Cards Solution for Pixel Tap

Date: 2024-07-05

Time until the next Daily Combo update:

Card 1 for Daily Combo
Card 2 for Daily Combo
Card 3 for Daily Combo
Card 4 for Daily Combo

Instructions for Completing the Daily Combo Task in PixelTap by Pixelverse

Game Basics: It is necessary to precisely determine the placement of bots in a specified sequence. There may be either a full or partial match. In case of a partial match, your winnings will be proportional to the part guessed.

Red: The bot is absent from the sequence, 0% of the prize.

Yellow: The bot is present but not in its correct position, 10% of the prize.

Green: The bot is in the correct position, 25% of the prize.

Winnings Calculation: If the total prize amounts to 250,000 coins, your winnings will be: 0% + 10% + 25% = 35% of the total prize, or 87,500 coins.


Step 1:
Open the rewards menu in your PixelTap account.
Rewards menu

Step 2:
Select the DAILY COMBO section and place the cards in the corresponding slots as shown.

Step 2Step 2Step 2

Step 3:
Confirm your combination by pressing CHECK.
Confirmation of combination

Conclusion: By using the sequence of bot placements we have provided, you will be able to play PixelTap more effectively and become stronger than your competitors!

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