Card Defi2.0 tokens in Hamster Kombat

Game Card Image

Defi2.0 tokens

Card tab Markets
Upgrade cost up to LvL 20 22,003,468
Income per hour at LvL 20 1,639 per hour
Payback at LvL 20 559.4 days

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How to unlock the card Defi2.0 tokens

To unlock the card Defi2.0 tokens, you need to upgrade the card CEO to level 2 LvL.

Card Upgrade Table: Defi2.0 tokens

The table provides data on upgrade costs for the card Defi2.0 tokens from the category Markets at each level, hourly income, and payback period.

LvLUpgrade CostHourly IncomePayback (days)
1500401 days
2551431 days
3638461 days
4776491 days
5990521 days
61,327561 days
71,867601 days
82,758642 days
94,279693 days
106,969744 days
1111,920796 days
1221,4078411 days
1340,3659019 days
1479,9209635 days
15166,14910367 days
16362,681110137 days
17831,273118294 days
182,000,557126662 days
195,055,3071351560 days
208,710,8361442520 days
2115,760,6121544264 days
2229,942,4421657561 days
2359,731,34217614141 days
24125,117,55318827730 days
25275,191,57020157046 days

Please note: The data for the card "Defi2.0 tokens" is still being populated. Information for some card levels may be missing. Rows highlighted in red colors contain calculated, not actual, data. Reliable data is available up to level 19.

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