Card QA team in Hamster Kombat

Game Card Image

QA team

Card tab PR&Team
Upgrade cost up to LvL 18 9,014,060
Income per hour at LvL 18 6,404 per hour
Payback at LvL 18 58.6 days

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How to unlock the card QA team

To unlock the card QA team, you need to upgrade the card IT team to level 3 LvL.

Card Upgrade Table: QA team

The table provides data on upgrade costs for the card QA team from the category PR&Team at each level, hourly income, and payback period.

LvLUpgrade CostHourly IncomePayback (days)
11,2751300 days
21,4062080 days
31,6272180 days
41,9782330 days
52,5242490 days
63,3832661 days
74,7602851 days
87,0333051 days
910,9103261 days
1017,7723492 days
1130,3963743 days
1254,5874006 days
13102,93142810 days
14203,79745819 days
15423,67949036 days
16924,83852474 days
172,119,745561157 days
185,101,419600354 days
198,549,081660540 days
2015,042,886711882 days
2127,792,4087511542 days
2253,914,3627772891 days
23109,816,1067875814 days
24234,860,99078112530 days
25527,398,65176028914 days

Please note: The data for the card "QA team" is still being populated. Information for some card levels may be missing. Rows highlighted in red colors contain calculated, not actual, data. Reliable data is available up to level 18.

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