Card UX and UI team in Hamster Kombat

Game Card Image

UX and UI team

Card tab PR&Team
Upgrade cost up to LvL 18 5,373,086
Income per hour at LvL 18 5,949 per hour
Payback at LvL 18 37.6 days

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How to unlock the card UX and UI team

To unlock the card UX and UI team, you need to upgrade the card CEO to level 5 LvL.

Card Upgrade Table: UX and UI team

The table provides data on upgrade costs for the card UX and UI team from the category PR&Team at each level, hourly income, and payback period.

LvLUpgrade CostHourly IncomePayback (days)
17601750 days
28381870 days
39702000 days
41,1792140 days
51,5052290 days
62,0172450 days
72,8372630 days
84,1922811 days
96,5033011 days
1010,5933221 days
1118,1183442 days
1232,5383684 days
1361,3553946 days
14121,47942212 days
15252,54645123 days
16551,27648348 days
171,263,534517102 days
183,040,846553229 days
195,095,920592359 days
208,966,787633590 days
2116,566,7446771020 days
2232,138,3487251847 days
2365,463,0177763515 days
24140,008,5518317020 days
25314,412,04789014720 days

Please note: The data for the card "UX and UI team" is still being populated. Information for some card levels may be missing. Rows highlighted in red colors contain calculated, not actual, data. Reliable data is available up to level 18.

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